In this section we will deal with the topic of feedback. Giving feedback and also receiving feedback.
The quote from Paul Watzlawick shows that there are two sides to communication. On one side is the person giving feedback and on the other side is the person receiving feedback. We now come to these two sides.
Feedback is a process of two-way feedback and, in communication, refers to a conversational way of telling others something about how I see them or learning how others see me.
The great art of giving feedback is to tell the other person how I see him without hurting him. Feedback should be goal-oriented and include the opportunity to learn from mistakes.
The WWW rule helps you give feedback.
When you give constructive feedback, you help a person to recognize their own weaknesses and to improve themselves. At the same time, you also express your wishes, demands and expectations of the person.
If you are a leader, here is a link with tips.